Coping with change in uncertain times of COVID

Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

Welcome y’all to this strange new world order we are in!

It’s strange because none of us have experienced a pandemic before. Lockdowns, quarantines, hyper-sanitizing, social distancing, and the coronavirus have all become part of our daily lives. These words have won the ticket to become day-to-day parlance. While some of us roll our eyes at these; some can’t help but be obsessed with knowing more.

The sudden unknown change gave us little or no time to brace up to the order of the day. Going with the flow seemed to be the only choice. The wise have embraced this change whereas some have given in to the panic brought by this pandemic.

As for me, I try to be a student of life. Every new situation and the change that follows allows me to learn and unlearn — Being aware of the anxiety that comes with a new change of this magnitude, helps me to listen to the chatter and let go. It’s a bittersweet feeling.

I am sharing my thoughts as a part of the blog series #PandemicDiaries2020 by Ila. This is a thoughtful initiative that encourages us to take a closer look at:

  1. The roller coaster of a ride that we are on, and
  2. A friendly reminder that we all are in this together

Sometime in early spring of 2020, the term “corona” became a household name. I first heard about the outbreak in February on the news channel. At that time, I wasn’t sure what to make of it. However, little did I know that it would eventually change the world and transform the lives of every individual on Earth.

Even today, right from our choices to decisions — all that we care and all that matters is lined with this thought of an unknown pandemic. 

The novel coronavirus (nCoV), an unknown and persistent virus, has been present for an extended period without any signs of slowing down.

Many of us didn’t expect the duration of the pandemic to be this long. I didn’t either. Yet, today we are planning our lives around it.

In today’s digital age, we have access to an overwhelming amount of information that is readily available on the internet. On top of that, we have chat groups that constantly inundate us with details and updates. The sheer volume of information that we consume daily can be a cause for concern and anxiety. It’s as if we are little minions, constantly gobbling up any and all information that comes our way, without taking a moment to pause and reflect on the impact it may have on our well-being.

The fear and anxiety surrounding the topic of the new virus strain mainly stem from the unknown. However, it is important to keep in mind that this virus is a new type that has not been previously identified in humans.

I keep saying this to whoever i speak, “corona is for the body what anxiety and fear are for the mind. Both are equally harmful.” It’s good to be aware of the situation around us and even better to know the situation inside of us — our mental wellbeing.

Anxiety has a cost in our lives, and to recognize that cost puts us back in perspective. When faced with uncertainty, we can focus on our basic human needs – safety, survival, and connection. We can strive to meet these needs by:

  • Using our rational mind
  • Focus on what is in our control
  • Recognize the fear and its origin
  • Mental reflection and reason
  • Focus on what you already have

Again, use your rational mind. Keep calm and understand that by taking precautions, you’ll be best prepared to physically and mentally withstand the pandemic and its impact on you. 

Patterns of change:

  • The choices and needs of individuals, families, and even companies are changing due to remote lifestyles, supply chain disruptions, and travel restrictions. 
  • If you are a parent like me, you learn to multitask as a working professional, and as a parent balancing all the chores of family life with limited resources.
  • We spend a significant amount of time at home and on home-based activities managing work, relationships, and home.
  • Home is turning into an office, school, and daycare which is no easy affair. 
  • Our choices and consumption patterns are changing —resuming to just needs rather than wants, giving in to what is right rather than what’s convenient. For example, we are relying more and more on home-made. 
  • We are forced to think. Think hard, as the situation we are in is new. The older solutions won’t work for the current challenges. 
  • With technology to our advantage, we are now closer to innovation than ever before. Technology enabled business continuity like never before. 

It’s overwhelming. No doubt!

But, it’s not all bad news.

The new normal 

After experiencing a range of emotions as an individual, as a family, as a community, and as a nation, we are now adapting to this new normal.

I have noticed significant changes during this unsettling period, which has made me reflect deeply. I am jotting down some noteworthy thoughts here.

Good things to reflect on here:

  • We communicate more with family now that we are around each other most of the time, which makes us stronger to deal with the situation.
  • We reach out to distant family and friends to check on them, and this newfound empathy is working as medicine.
  • Thanks to technology, connecting with others is just a click away. Not to mention the fun impromptu round-ups with friends and family.
  • We are consciously making decisions about our eating habits, cooking most or all meals at home. Lost recipes are finding their way back into our kitchens.
  • At work, people have started to behave sensibly with their co-workers. The usual disturbances of the online catch-up calls which were common even before are being brushed off easily now. All thanks to the same boat all are traveling – It’s easier to relate and say it’s alright.
  • Parents are trying to be sensitive towards their children, giving them the freedom to learn at their own pace, play and just be, instead of forcing them into a daily routine.
  • Kids are finding interesting ways to chill and relax at home with family members which was amiss during the regular hustle and bustle before the pandemic.

While it’s greener pastures in the kid-world. The adult world is witnessing stress and anxiety

There are four proven ways to help cope with anxiety and stress caused by the outbreak, and these include:

  • Keep the risk in perspective

It helps to understand your odds, not only of exposure but also of what might happen if you get infected. Know what you can control. We all have control over our own exposure risk by following CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) and WHO guidelines on how to keep from getting infected by the virus in the first place.

While I am not in self-quarantine, I am following the recommended protocol from WHO and staying home when I can.

  • Be aware and take prescribed precautions

Be alert of likely symptoms. Watch for fever, cough, shortness of breath, or any other symptoms of COVID-19. Check your temperature and follow CDC guidance if you have symptoms. Be extra careful if you’re older and with a medical history, your risk increases for higher symptoms. So be aware and take just enough precautions to be safe. Refer to the detailed guidelines on safety and symptoms from the CDC and WHO.

  • Avoid over-consumption of media

Limit media consumption, because it only reinforces our emotional response to feeling anxious. It helps to be aware that anxiety has a cost in our lives.

  • Use your coping mechanism 

Resume your coping skills, whether it be reading, writing, journaling, meditation, relaxation or breathing exercises, any form of exercise, or something else. Start a long-forgotten hobby or pursue your passion. Read and learn more about it. This will keep you in good spirits.

And remember we are all in this together 

Most of us today share a common ground regardless of gender, race, religion, nationality, or ideology. We all share this threat and we are in it together.

The paradox, however, is that in the midst of current events, beyond the crisis, we need a connection with each other more than ever.

So let’s not forget to give that big smile and talk to each other openly. Vulnerability is a good virtue. Wear it as your badge. Talk and listen.

Seeing people and workgroups taking mental health seriously and taking time off to talk is heartening. Discussing openly on digital meeting platforms with colleagues and workgroups about the state of mind has become a new normal. Not sure how many of us did this before. It’s a good change and a welcome change.

One pandemic and we are talking about mental health and wellbeing. Things we were taking for granted before. 

Take social distancing seriously but never isolate. Read, Write, Talk, Sing is the mantra. #staysafestayhome   

The real test of resilience is now – amid uncertainty and chaos.

We are wondering what to make of this change and trying to make some sense out of it. And, if you’re a parent, making your kids understand what this lockdown and distancing mean is another story 🙂

I and my kid together have tried a whole lot of things during this #lockdown not to let this pandemic stop the fun and the learning. I will talk about it in my next blog.

Finally, focus on things that are within your immediate control in life, and put aside things that you have little to no control over. Keep the FOCUS on you and do it with ZERO regrets.

Awareness is all!






This post is a part of the blog train – The Pandemic That Changed Our Life Upside Down hosted by blogger Ila Varma to bring our experiences together. Thanks to Ishieta Chopra for introducing me to the blog train. Do read her blog where she has shared her personal journey and her hobbies. Don’t miss swinging by Sreemayee’s post on her view on the pandemic and lockdown.

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7 thoughts on “Coping with change in uncertain times of COVID

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  1. I loved the last takeaway point so much that focus on things that we can control and avoid putting attention on those that beyond our control. You had given most important life lesson with this post. Thanks

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautifully curated post. Yes, we have never expected this pandemic to go this far but seeing a positive side is haven’t we tested our own limits beyond our own limits. It shows that when needed we can adapt to the change. And that adaptability is th biggest gift for everyone. We have understood the importance of simple things, have understood how to live sustainable and minimalistic living. I really liked what you wrote in the end.. “Keep the FOCUS on you and do it with ZERO regrets. “

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes Alpana, this has opened me to so many possibilities I didn’t pay attention to earlier. Slow living is one of them and just to be aware of every moment. Thanks for leaving your comments:)


  3. Very interesting insightful post about Pandemic, indeed it made us realize the value of many forgotten granted things. So agree with you on stop over consumption of media, limiting the media was actually the first step towards the positive acceptance of new normal.


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